Here's what we've been up to lately

Events, News

Three is a charm at the Best Of Awards 2022

The launch of June20 came in with a bang.

Good results: two times BOCA Silver for HOGENT

Until further notice, our faith in humanity and in the BOCA’s jury stands firm.

Engineering Emotions Sessions #1

If a brand helps you be mentally or physically healthy, do you love that brand more?

Europabank ‘procrastination campaign’ nominated for an Effie Award

We captured a spot in the final of the Effie Awards with our client Europabank.

A gold and a diamond for Drainphalt at the BTOB Awards

The campaign for Willemen Group once again won prizes for the BTOB Awards.

4 BOA & BOCA Awards for Drainphalt & PwC

At the BOA’s ceremony, June20 won two ‘gold’ for the activation for Willemen Group/Drainphalt.