To connect the Belgian target audience with PwC’s global proposition “From strategy through execution”, we launched the PwC Sherpa Attitude. PwC has a real hands-on approach, accompanying you on your personal journey—as a client, as a part of the PwC team or as a student. This first HR campaign demonstrates what PwC’s Sherpa Attitude is all about: guiding you all the way to the top.

So we built PwC base camp, a webplatform that offers final-year students informative, entertaining content to help them reach their goals, ranging from tips and tricks on how to write the best resume to a motivational quotes generator and playlist.

The campaign was kicked off with an activation. In the launch video, Chairman Axel Smits invited all Belgian final year students in the relevant areas to compete for a job as ‘Chief Executive Student’, managing PwC Belgium at his side for one day.

The base camp key visual was completely handcrafted in paper in 205 working hours by 4 artworkers. The image symbolises the road to the top that graduates will travel, with the support of PwC.
Through targeted social media and stands at job fairs 10.628 young graduates found their way to the web platform of which 1.067 applied at PwC.