Smeg has been famous for its iconic designs over the past decades. In Belgium however, the brand had become very strongly and almost solely associated with individual design classics like the Fab-series refrigerators. To raise awareness on the Italian brand’s complete gamut of freestanding as well as built-in kitchen appliances, we guided Smeg back to its core asset: design that enhances interior experience—in a wide range of varieties for every personal preference and every budget.
The kitchen has become an integrated part of our houses—and of how we live. “It’s so me” is Smeg’s claim to answer to thousands of consumers looking to live in a surrounding that reflects who they are. To get the conversation started, we developed nine inspiring “It’s so me” styles—visualized in pairings—that fit the design desires of any consumer, regardless of their age, taste or budget.
The concept is declined in an image campaign for print, DM, POS including store displays and digital. “It’s so me” was launched at the Brussels Batibouw fair, allowing visitors to experience the different styles in atypic cubicles.
Simultaneously a digital activation within the “It’s so me” concept runs throughout the distribution network, allowing resellers to experience the Smeg promise themselves with “kitchen art”. On consumers can discover the wide variety of styles and win artful serigraphs.
First results show a sales increase and the distribution network responds very enthousiastically, putting Smeg in their preference list to offer to the end user.