Easy-to-digest content wrapped in a fresh design

After rebranding Savaco, following the corporate structure changes, we also tackled the website. Together with Savaco, we realised a sustainable brand evolution, upgrading the website based on our new branding guidelines. Because Savaco recently started dividing its services into 6 types of solutions, we had to come up with a clear, user-friendly and attractive content layout.

Building on the existing Drupal website, our UX & UI design experts worked out a new mega menu to present the updated solutions and services. This type of drop-down menu has space for additional text below every item. A great way to boost user flow and conversion optimisation, as users are more inclined to click through. The mega menu allows visitors to find their way around the range of services more easily. There is even space to highlight news or events, like an upcoming webinar, making it even more enticing to click through.

From the start and throughout, we optimised the website for search engines and shared best practices for SEO and content creation. We also developed a strong new visual language, visualising the positive impact of Savaco’s solutions. The updated visual language is perfectly in line with the baseline: “IT’s about impact”. Because we tell Savaco’s story not only in words but also in images, users are even more likely to grasp the message.

After the launch, Savaco still counts on our digital team for user support and hosting. At the same time we roll out Search Engine Advertising (SEA) and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) which direct people to the new and improved website. Kudos to our Strategy, Design, Digital and Development teams for joining forces in delivering an attractive and easy-to-navigate platform in a very short time. 

Building digital connections that move brands forward by MOVING PEOPLE